Planning Microsoft 365 Tenant to Tenant migrations

If your work revolves around Microsoft 365, then tenant to tenant migrations shouldn’t be new to you. More than often you’d here your customers or the IT directors in your organization say that they’d like to have a seamless tenant to tenant migration approach to be developed and implemented. While this might look doable to an extent with advent of new tools and technologies in the market the reality is something else. The bitter truth is, there’s no such thing as a seamless migration and instead T2T migrations are just chaos, and it makes you feel that you’re constantly walking on eggshells because there a lot of moving parts involved in it and without a proper plan things could really go haywire in no time.

So, my wonderful fellow MVPs from Germany (i.e., Thomas Poett, Raphael Kollner, Michael Plettner & Ruud Gijsbers Rademakers (yet to become a MVP) )and I have put together a wonderful video series where we discuss in detail about the various aspects of a T2T migration. In this video we’ve discussed about how to plan for a T2T migration, how to deal with OneDrive data, Mailboxes, Power Platform components, Devices, Enterprise Voice, IDAM and Security and Compliance related stuff. So, it’s pretty much everything that you’d like to know when you’re planning for a T2T migration.

Here’s the link to all the session recordings on YouTube,

I hope these videos will help you to plan your T2T migrations in a much better manner and help you to avoid some mistakes that going to cost you a lot of bucks. Good luck!

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